Featured Benefits
Enhance your shopping experience with the Ganton Loyalty and Rewards program, this is an exclusive club for our loyal online customers. The more points you earned through completing tasks or making purchases, the better rewards you will be able to redeem.

My Rewards Dashboard
Access your personalised rewards dashboard any time. Click on the Earn Rewards icon on the bottom left corner on any page.
From the main dashboard you can sign in, view your points and see rewards you have earned.
Rewards FAQ
If you have a question not answered, you can contact customer service at info@ganton.com.au and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
How do I access my rewards?
You can click the floating rewards icon on the bottom left of your screen.
If you are experiencing problems seeing the floating button, then try the website on a different web browser.
I have points how do I redeem?
Click the rewards button floating on the bottom left corner of your browser, sign in to your account and then click redeem points. You can then use your points to purchase rewards which you use at checkout.
I redeemed points for a reward but I have misplaced my reward..
When you redeem your points for a reward it will provide you a unique code that you can use at checkout, if you have lost this code then you can find it in the my rewards section of the earn rewards button.
My rewards code is not working
Please contact support at info@ganton.com.au